volum de carte |
2002 |
Elemente de fizică nucleară relativistă, , anul 2002, Note de curs |
JIPA, Alexandru (autor), BEȘLIU, Călin (autor) |
volum de carte |
2002 |
Modele de structură nucleară și mecanisme de reacție, , anul 2002 |
JIPA, Alexandru (autor), BEȘLIU, Călin (autor) |
articol de periodic |
1987 |
Revue Roumaine de Physique, 32-5-6 |
BEȘLIU, Călin (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
OLARIU, A. (autor)
TOPOR, Pop (autor)
BOLDEAV. (autor)
POPA, L. (autor)
PAPA, V. (autor)
Pion production in high energy nucleus-nucleus collissions |
651-655 |
articol de periodic |
1988 |
Revue Roumaine de Physique, 33-4-6 |
BEȘLIU, Călin (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
Geometrical modelation for O-Pb and O-Ne nuclear collisions at 4,5 GV/nucleon energy |
409-412 |
articol de periodic |
1992 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 37-10 |
BEȘLIU, Călin (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
A geometrical picture of the relativistic nuclear collisions from experimental results |
1011-1024 |
articol de periodic |
1993 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 38-4-5 |
BEȘLIU, C. (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
On the size of the pionic source in relativistic nuclear collisions |
507-511 |
articol de periodic |
1999 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 44-1-2 |
BEȘLIU, Călin (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
On the dynamics of the nucleus-nucleus collisions at 4.5 a GeV/e involving relative small number of participants |
249-385 |
articol de periodic |
2013 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 58-3-4 |
BURDUCEA, I. (autor)
IONESCU, C. (autor)
STRATICIUC, M. (autor)
CRĂCIUN, L. (autor)
RACOLȚA, P. (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
Characterization of Indium Nitrate and Zinc Oxide thin films by AFM and RBS |
345- |
articol de periodic |
1994 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 46-5-6 |
BEȘLIU, Călin (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
ZAHARIA, Radu (autor)
Modification of the rest mass of the particles generated from dense and hot nuclear matter |
389-395 |
articol de periodic |
1996 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 48-5-6 |
BEȘLIU, Călin (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
ZAHARIA, Radu (autor)
Some dynamical features of the nuclear fragmentation in nucleus-nucleus reactions at 4-5 AGeV/c incident momentum |
359-366 |
articol de periodic |
1996 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 48-5-6 |
BEȘLIU, Călin (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
ZAHARIA, Radu (autor)
MOAȘA, Răzvan (autor)
ZGURA, Sorin (autor)
Signals of ptojectile fragmentation process in nucleus-nucleus interactions at 4,5 AGeV/c incident momentum |
367-379 |
articol de periodic |
1996 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 48-5-6 |
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
IONESCU, Răzvan (autor)
IONECI, Nicoleta (autor)
Quark-cluon plasma formation in relativistic heavy ion collisions |
389-397 |
articol de periodic |
1996 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 48-5-6 |
BEȘLIU, Călin (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
RUSU, Claudiu (autor)
ZAHARIA, Radu (autor)
Global analysis in the study of the hyadrodynamic behaviour of the relativistic nuclear collisions |
407-415 |
articol de periodic |
1996 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 48-5-6 |
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
ȚAMBREA-FERARU, Mariana (autor)
Intermitency in nuclear collisions at high energies. Dynamic information |
417-424 |
articol de periodic |
1996 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 48-5-6 |
BEȘLIU, Călin (autor)
IONECI, Nicoleta (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
ZAHARIA, Radu (autor)
Resonance matter formation in collisions at 4,5 A GeV/c |
425-431 |
articol de periodic |
1996 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 48-5-6 |
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
LABU, Coralia (autor)
SIMION, Cleopatra (autor)
New experimental results on the identification of the charged particles stopped in the streamer chamber of the SKN 200 spectrometer |
459-469 |
articol de periodic |
1997 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 49-5-7 |
BEȘLIU, Călin (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
ZAHARIA, Radu (autor)
IOSIF, Maria (autor)
ASRGINTARU, Dan (autor)
ARGINTARU, Cristina (autor)
ȚUGULEA, Mircea (autor)
Phenomenological picture on the the Cumulative effect in nucleus-nucleus collissions at the incident kinetic energy of 3.65 a GeV |
531-544 |
articol de periodic |
1997 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 49-5-7 |
BEȘLIU, Călin (autor)
CARTAȘ, Viorel (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
On a new way to evidence shock waves in relativistic nuclear collisions: the shock polar method |
611-617 |
articol de periodic |
1998 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 50-7-9 |
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
MĂRGINEAN, R. (autor)
Pion absorption in relativistic heavy ion collisions |
475-486 |
articol de periodic |
1999 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 51-7-10 |
BEȘLIU, Călin (autor)
CARTAȘ, V. (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
ZAHARIA, R. (autor)
An extension of the classical shock wave mechanism for nucleus-nucleus collisions at 4,5 a GeV/c |
561-570 |
articol de periodic |
2000 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 52-8-9 |
BEȘLIU, Călin (autor)
FELEA, Daniel (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
ZGURA, Ion-Sorin (autor)
GHEAȚĂ, A. (autor)
ZAHARIA, Radu (autor)
Apparent temperatures of 4He projectile fragments at 4,6 a GeV incident energy |
articol de periodic |
2000 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 52-8-9 |
BEȘLIU, Călin (autor)
MARAKAMI, Tetsuia (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
ZAHARIA, Radu (autor)
FELEA, Daniel (autor)
ZGURA, Ion (autor)
Apparent temperatures in p+Ag/Sm/Tm/Au target fragmentation at 12 GeV |
articol de periodic |
2000 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 52-8-9 |
BEȘLIU, Călin (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
ZAHARIA, Radu (autor)
FELEA, Daniel (autor)
ZGURA, Ion (autor)
CONSTANTIN, Florin (autor)
GRIGORIE, Claudian (autor)
VEDEBAEK, Flemming (autor)
GAARDHOJE, Jens (autor)
An estimation of the particle source characteristics in Au-Au collisions at RHIC-BNL energies (BRAHMS experiment) |
articol de periodic |
2001 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 53-3-8 |
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
ARGINTARU, D. (autor)
BEARDEN, I.G. (autor)
BEAVIS, D. (autor)
BEȘLIU, C. (autor)
BLYAKHMAN, Y. (autor)
BOGGILD, H. (autor)
BRZYCHCZK, J. (autor)
BUDICK, B. (autor)
CHASMAN, C. (autor)
CIBOR, J. (autor)
CONSTANTIN, F. (autor)
DEBBE, R. (autor)
FELEA, D. (autor)
GAARDJOJE, J.J. (autor)
HAGEL, K. (autor)
HANSEN, O. (autor)
HOLM, A. (autor)
HO (autor)
BRAHMS Expweriments. First experimental results |
323-334 |
articol de periodic |
2001 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 53-3-8 |
BEȘLIU, Călin (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
ZAHARIA, Radu (autor)
FELEA, Daniel (autor)
ZGURĂ, Ion (autor)
ILIESCU, Bogdan (autor)
GRIGORE, Claudian (autor)
Time evolution and thermal balance for nuclear flow Hr+Al, He+Cu and He+Pb collisions at 4.5 a GeV/c |
335-558 |
articol de periodic |
2001 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 53-3-8 |
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
BEȘLIU, Călin (autor)
TABAN, Gabriel (autor)
ZGURĂ, Ion (autor)
FELEA, Daniel (autor)
CÎȚU, Oana (autor)
CULEA, Oana (autor)
RISTEA, Cătălin (autor)
On the structure of the particle source in ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions |
359-365 |
articol de periodic |
2001 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 53-3-8 |
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
ZGURĂ, Ion (autor)
BEȘLIU, Călin (autor)
CÎȚU, Oana (autor)
CULEA, Oana (autor)
RISTEA, Cătălin (autor)
TABAN, Gabriel (autor)
Some predictions with IrQMD code for Au-Au collisions at = 130GeV |
367-379 |
articol de periodic |
2003 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 55-4 |
BEȘLIU, Călin (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
Method to evidence the contributions of the spectator and participant regions in the particle production in relativistic nuclear collisions |
420- |
articol de periodic |
2004 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 56-2 |
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
BEȘLIU, Călin (autor)
ZGURĂ, Ion (autor)
FELEA, Daniel (autor)
MITU, Ciprian (autor)
ILIESCU, Bogdan (autor)
ARSENE, Ionuț (autor)
POTLOG, Mihai (autor)
On the intermitency in peripheral He-Li interactions at 4,5 a GEV/c |
275-281 |
articol de periodic |
2004 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 56-4 |
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
BEȘLIU, Călin (autor)
FELEA, Daniel (autor)
ILIESCU, B. (autor)
RISTEA, O. (autor)
RISTEA, C. (autor)
HORBUNIEV, A. (autor)
ARSENE, I. (autor)
EȘANU, T. (autor)
OCHEȘANU, S. (autor)
CARAMARCU, C. (autor)
BORDEIANU, C. (autor)
ROȘU, I. (autor)
GROSSU, I. (autor)
ZGURĂ, I. (autor)
STAN, E. (autor)
MITU, Ciprian (autor)
POTLOG, Mihai (autor)
GHERCIU, M. (autor)
ȘTEFAN, I. (autor)
On the nuclear fragmentation mechanisms in nuclear collisions at intermediate and high energies |
577-600 |
articol de periodic |
2006 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 58-1 |
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
Foreword |
.3-3 |
articol de periodic |
2008 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 60-1 |
BALDIN, Anton (autor)
ARGINTARU, Dristina (autor)
ARGINTARU, Dănuț (autor)
BEȘLIU, Călin (autor)
BORDEANU, Cristian (autor)
CPLIN, Marius (autor)
EȘANU, Tiberiu (autor)
GROSSU, Ioan (autor)
GUSKOV, Boris (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
KADYKOV, Mikhail (autor)
SEMASHKO, Sergey (autor)
Some experimental results from Marusya Experiment |
63-70 |
articol de periodic |
2008 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 60-2 |
BORDEIANU, C. (autor)
FELEA, D. (autor)
BEȘLIU, C. (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
GROSSU, I. (autor)
Chaos analysis of nuclear stability using a classical billard model |
287-297 |
articol de periodic |
2009 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 61-4 |
CHETRCIU, M. (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
Nuclear sources emiting alpha structures in nuclear collisions at intermediate energies |
656-661 |
articol de periodic |
2010 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 62-4 |
CHERCIU, M. (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
Light cluster competition in self-conjugate 4N-Nuclei interactions at intermediate energy |
731-737 |
articol de periodic |
2010 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 62-4 |
MITRICĂ, B. (autor)
MĂRGINEANU, Romul (autor)
BRĂNCUȘ, L. (autor)
LATANU, Ionel (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
SIMA, O. (autor)
DIMA, M. (autor)
TOMA, G. (autor)
SAFTOIU, A. (autor)
APOSTU, A. (autor)
GOMOIU, C. (autor)
PETRE (autor)
Studies of the high energy moun flux in unirea salt mine from Slănic Prahova |
750-757 |
articol de periodic |
2011 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 63 |
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
GRIGORIE, Claudian (autor)
BEȘLIU, Că+lin (autor)
VELICA, Ștefania (autor)
CĂLIN, Marius (autor)
EȘANU, Tiberiu (autor)
LAZANU, Ionel (autor)
COVLEA, Vania (autor)
ARGINTARU, Dan (autor)
RISTEA, Oana (autor)
RISTEA, Cătălin (autor)
ILIESCU, Bogdan (autor)
HORBUNNIEV, Amelia (autor)
CIORANU, Silviu (autor)
BĂRZU, Adrian (autor)
PARAGINĂ, florica (autor)
PAR (autor)
Transverse momentan-longitudinal momentan correlations, thermalization and hydrodynamic flow in relativistic nuclear collisions |
1215- |
articol de periodic |
2011 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 63-1 |
APOSTU, Ana (autor)
CHIROȘCA, Alexandru (autor)
GOMOIU, Claudia (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
LAZANU, I. (autor)
MĂRGINEANU, Romul (autor)
MITRICĂ, B. (autor)
STANCA, D. (autor)
Results of undferground dose rates using TL detectors and preliminary TL characteristics of irradiated salt rock |
220- |
articol de periodic |
2011 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 63-4 |
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
MITU, Ciprian (autor)
NICULESCU, Mihai (autor)
ZGURA, Sorin (autor)
Data analysis and 3D evolution in high energy physics using graphic processor |
1018-1025 |
articol de periodic |
2012 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 64-3 |
CHESNEANU, D. (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
LAZANU, Ionel (autor)
MĂRGINEANU, Romul (autor)
MITRICĂ, B. (autor)
Preliminary results of neutrino interactions study using genie event generator |
695-701 |
articol de periodic |
2012 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 64-3 |
VELICA, Ștefania (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
BEȘLIU, C. (autor)
RISTEA, Oana (autor)
RISTEA, C. (autor)
LAZANU, Ionel (autor)
COVLEA, V. (autor)
SCURTU, A. (autor)
EȘANU, T. (autor)
CPLIN, M. (autor)
STAN, E. (autor)
STAN, I. (autor)
On the particle correlations in relativistic nuclear collisions |
702-714 |
articol de periodic |
2012 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 64-3 |
RISTEA, C. (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
RISTEA, Oana (autor)
BEȘLIU, C. (autor)
VELICA, Ștefania (autor)
Energy dependence of nuclear modification factors in Au-Au collisions at 200 GEV and 62,4 GEV |
715-721 |
articol de periodic |
2012 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 64-3 |
RISTEA, Oana (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
RISTEA, C. (autor)
BEȘLIU, C. (autor)
VELICA, Ștefania (autor)
Strangenes production in heavy ion collisions at relativistic energies |
722-727 |
articol de periodic |
2013 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 65-2 |
RISTEA, Oana (autor)
GIUBEGA, Elena (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
RISTEA, C. (autor)
BEȘLIU, Călin (autor)
BABAN, Valerica (autor)
BARZU, A. (autor)
SCURTU, A. (autor)
ABU-QUOAD, I. (autor)
PARAGINA, S. (autor)
PARAGINA, Florica (autor)
Identified particle production in nuclear collisions at relativistic energies |
411-419 |
articol de periodic |
2013 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 65-4 |
BABAN, Valerica (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
RISTEA, Cătălin (autor)
RISTEA, Oana (autor)
EȘANU, Tiberiu (autor)
ARGINTARU, Dănuț (autor)
Centraly determination in 15 GeV/u Au-Au collisions in CBM experiment |
1314-1320 |
articol de periodic |
2013 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 65-4 |
RISTEA, Cătălin (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
LAZANU, Ionel (autor)
RISTEA, Oana (autor)
BEȘLIU, C. (autor)
BABAN, Valerica (autor)
COVLEA, V. (autor)
From little bangs to big bang |
1321-1327 |
articol de periodic |
2015 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 67-3 |
DANU, A. (autor)
RISTEA, O. (autor)
BEȘLIU, Călin (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
ZHURA, I. (autor)
RISTEA, C. (autor)
SEVCENCO, A. (autor)
MITU, Ciprian (autor)
EȘANU, T. (autor)
Comparisons among the hadron production in ultra relativistic heavy ion collisions in different transverse momentum ranges. Preliminary results |
831-836 |
articol de periodic |
2016 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 68-1 |
STOICA, Daniela (autor)
MIRON, Cristina (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
POPESCU, M. (autor)
The study of some thermal phenomenon by computer-assisted experiments and MBLs |
425-439 |
articol de periodic |
2016 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 68-2 |
CHIRIȚOI, G. (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
POPESCU, Emilia (autor)
3D visualization for simulated extensive air showers /EAS) using Corsika and blender 3D |
563-570 |
articol de periodic |
2016 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 68-4 |
GOMOIU, Mariana (autor)
MĂRGINEANU, Romul (autor)
STOIAN, Daniel (autor)
ALIONTE, Tănase (autor)
JIPA, Alexandru (autor)
Environmental radioactivity in Măneciu Reserboir, Prohova County, Romania |
1566-1576 |