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  • 2 volume
  • 48 de articole
Tip Anul Publicație și Volum/Nr. Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
volum de carte 2002 Elemente de fizică nucleară relativistă, , anul 2002, Note de curs JIPA, Alexandru (autor), BEȘLIU, Călin (autor)
volum de carte 2002 Modele de structură nucleară și mecanisme de reacție, , anul 2002 JIPA, Alexandru (autor), BEȘLIU, Călin (autor)
articol de periodic 1987 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 32-5-6 BEȘLIU, Călin (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , OLARIU, A. (autor) , TOPOR, Pop (autor) , BOLDEAV. (autor) , POPA, L. (autor) , PAPA, V. (autor) Pion production in high energy nucleus-nucleus collissions 651-655
articol de periodic 1988 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 33-4-6 BEȘLIU, Călin (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) Geometrical modelation for O-Pb and O-Ne nuclear collisions at 4,5 GV/nucleon energy 409-412
articol de periodic 1992 Romanian Journal of Physics, 37-10 BEȘLIU, Călin (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) A geometrical picture of the relativistic nuclear collisions from experimental results 1011-1024
articol de periodic 1993 Romanian Journal of Physics, 38-4-5 BEȘLIU, C. (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) On the size of the pionic source in relativistic nuclear collisions 507-511
articol de periodic 1999 Romanian Journal of Physics, 44-1-2 BEȘLIU, Călin (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) On the dynamics of the nucleus-nucleus collisions at 4.5 a GeV/e involving relative small number of participants 249-385
articol de periodic 2013 Romanian Journal of Physics, 58-3-4 BURDUCEA, I. (autor) , IONESCU, C. (autor) , STRATICIUC, M. (autor) , CRĂCIUN, L. (autor) , RACOLȚA, P. (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) Characterization of Indium Nitrate and Zinc Oxide thin films by AFM and RBS 345-
articol de periodic 1994 Romanian Reports in Physics, 46-5-6 BEȘLIU, Călin (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , ZAHARIA, Radu (autor) Modification of the rest mass of the particles generated from dense and hot nuclear matter 389-395
articol de periodic 1996 Romanian Reports in Physics, 48-5-6 BEȘLIU, Călin (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , ZAHARIA, Radu (autor) Some dynamical features of the nuclear fragmentation in nucleus-nucleus reactions at 4-5 AGeV/c incident momentum 359-366
articol de periodic 1996 Romanian Reports in Physics, 48-5-6 BEȘLIU, Călin (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , ZAHARIA, Radu (autor) , MOAȘA, Răzvan (autor) , ZGURA, Sorin (autor) Signals of ptojectile fragmentation process in nucleus-nucleus interactions at 4,5 AGeV/c incident momentum 367-379
articol de periodic 1996 Romanian Reports in Physics, 48-5-6 JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , IONESCU, Răzvan (autor) , IONECI, Nicoleta (autor) Quark-cluon plasma formation in relativistic heavy ion collisions 389-397
articol de periodic 1996 Romanian Reports in Physics, 48-5-6 BEȘLIU, Călin (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , RUSU, Claudiu (autor) , ZAHARIA, Radu (autor) Global analysis in the study of the hyadrodynamic behaviour of the relativistic nuclear collisions 407-415
articol de periodic 1996 Romanian Reports in Physics, 48-5-6 JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , ȚAMBREA-FERARU, Mariana (autor) Intermitency in nuclear collisions at high energies. Dynamic information 417-424
articol de periodic 1996 Romanian Reports in Physics, 48-5-6 BEȘLIU, Călin (autor) , IONECI, Nicoleta (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , ZAHARIA, Radu (autor) Resonance matter formation in collisions at 4,5 A GeV/c 425-431
articol de periodic 1996 Romanian Reports in Physics, 48-5-6 JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , LABU, Coralia (autor) , SIMION, Cleopatra (autor) New experimental results on the identification of the charged particles stopped in the streamer chamber of the SKN 200 spectrometer 459-469
articol de periodic 1997 Romanian Reports in Physics, 49-5-7 BEȘLIU, Călin (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , ZAHARIA, Radu (autor) , IOSIF, Maria (autor) , ASRGINTARU, Dan (autor) , ARGINTARU, Cristina (autor) , ȚUGULEA, Mircea (autor) Phenomenological picture on the the Cumulative effect in nucleus-nucleus collissions at the incident kinetic energy of 3.65 a GeV 531-544
articol de periodic 1997 Romanian Reports in Physics, 49-5-7 BEȘLIU, Călin (autor) , CARTAȘ, Viorel (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) On a new way to evidence shock waves in relativistic nuclear collisions: the shock polar method 611-617
articol de periodic 1998 Romanian Reports in Physics, 50-7-9 JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , MĂRGINEAN, R. (autor) Pion absorption in relativistic heavy ion collisions 475-486
articol de periodic 1999 Romanian Reports in Physics, 51-7-10 BEȘLIU, Călin (autor) , CARTAȘ, V. (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , ZAHARIA, R. (autor) An extension of the classical shock wave mechanism for nucleus-nucleus collisions at 4,5 a GeV/c 561-570
articol de periodic 2000 Romanian Reports in Physics, 52-8-9 BEȘLIU, Călin (autor) , FELEA, Daniel (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , ZGURA, Ion-Sorin (autor) , GHEAȚĂ, A. (autor) , ZAHARIA, Radu (autor) Apparent temperatures of 4He projectile fragments at 4,6 a GeV incident energy
articol de periodic 2000 Romanian Reports in Physics, 52-8-9 BEȘLIU, Călin (autor) , MARAKAMI, Tetsuia (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , ZAHARIA, Radu (autor) , FELEA, Daniel (autor) , ZGURA, Ion (autor) Apparent temperatures in p+Ag/Sm/Tm/Au target fragmentation at 12 GeV
articol de periodic 2000 Romanian Reports in Physics, 52-8-9 BEȘLIU, Călin (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , ZAHARIA, Radu (autor) , FELEA, Daniel (autor) , ZGURA, Ion (autor) , CONSTANTIN, Florin (autor) , GRIGORIE, Claudian (autor) , VEDEBAEK, Flemming (autor) , GAARDHOJE, Jens (autor) An estimation of the particle source characteristics in Au-Au collisions at RHIC-BNL energies (BRAHMS experiment)
articol de periodic 2001 Romanian Reports in Physics, 53-3-8 JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , ARGINTARU, D. (autor) , BEARDEN, I.G. (autor) , BEAVIS, D. (autor) , BEȘLIU, C. (autor) , BLYAKHMAN, Y. (autor) , BOGGILD, H. (autor) , BRZYCHCZK, J. (autor) , BUDICK, B. (autor) , CHASMAN, C. (autor) , CHRISTENSEN, C. (autor) , CHRISTIANSEN, P. (autor) , CIBOR, J. (autor) , CONSTANTIN, F. (autor) , DEBBE, R. (autor) , FELEA, D. (autor) , GAARDJOJE, J.J. (autor) , HAGEL, K. (autor) , HANSEN, O. (autor) , HOLM, A. (autor) , HO (autor) BRAHMS Expweriments. First experimental results 323-334
articol de periodic 2001 Romanian Reports in Physics, 53-3-8 BEȘLIU, Călin (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , ZAHARIA, Radu (autor) , FELEA, Daniel (autor) , ZGURĂ, Ion (autor) , ILIESCU, Bogdan (autor) , GRIGORE, Claudian (autor) , HORBUNIEV (autor) Time evolution and thermal balance for nuclear flow Hr+Al, He+Cu and He+Pb collisions at 4.5 a GeV/c 335-558
articol de periodic 2001 Romanian Reports in Physics, 53-3-8 JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , BEȘLIU, Călin (autor) , TABAN, Gabriel (autor) , ZGURĂ, Ion (autor) , FELEA, Daniel (autor) , CÎȚU, Oana (autor) , CULEA, Oana (autor) , RISTEA, Cătălin (autor) On the structure of the particle source in ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions 359-365
articol de periodic 2001 Romanian Reports in Physics, 53-3-8 JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , ZGURĂ, Ion (autor) , BEȘLIU, Călin (autor) , CÎȚU, Oana (autor) , CULEA, Oana (autor) , RISTEA, Cătălin (autor) , TABAN, Gabriel (autor) Some predictions with IrQMD code for Au-Au collisions at = 130GeV 367-379
articol de periodic 2003 Romanian Reports in Physics, 55-4 BEȘLIU, Călin (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) Method to evidence the contributions of the spectator and participant regions in the particle production in relativistic nuclear collisions 420-
articol de periodic 2004 Romanian Reports in Physics, 56-2 JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , BEȘLIU, Călin (autor) , ZGURĂ, Ion (autor) , FELEA, Daniel (autor) , MITU, Ciprian (autor) , ILIESCU, Bogdan (autor) , ARSENE, Ionuț (autor) , POTLOG, Mihai (autor) On the intermitency in peripheral He-Li interactions at 4,5 a GEV/c 275-281
articol de periodic 2004 Romanian Reports in Physics, 56-4 JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , BEȘLIU, Călin (autor) , FELEA, Daniel (autor) , ILIESCU, B. (autor) , RISTEA, O. (autor) , RISTEA, C. (autor) , HORBUNIEV, A. (autor) , ARSENE, I. (autor) , EȘANU, T. (autor) , OCHEȘANU, S. (autor) , CARAMARCU, C. (autor) , BORDEIANU, C. (autor) , ROȘU, I. (autor) , GROSSU, I. (autor) , ZGURĂ, I. (autor) , STAN, E. (autor) , MITU, Ciprian (autor) , POTLOG, Mihai (autor) , GHERCIU, M. (autor) , ȘTEFAN, I. (autor) On the nuclear fragmentation mechanisms in nuclear collisions at intermediate and high energies 577-600
articol de periodic 2006 Romanian Reports in Physics, 58-1 JIPA, Alexandru (autor) Foreword .3-3
articol de periodic 2008 Romanian Reports in Physics, 60-1 BALDIN, Anton (autor) , ARGINTARU, Dristina (autor) , ARGINTARU, Dănuț (autor) , BEȘLIU, Călin (autor) , BORDEANU, Cristian (autor) , CPLIN, Marius (autor) , EȘANU, Tiberiu (autor) , GROSSU, Ioan (autor) , GUSKOV, Boris (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , KADYKOV, Mikhail (autor) , SEMASHKO, Sergey (autor) Some experimental results from Marusya Experiment 63-70
articol de periodic 2008 Romanian Reports in Physics, 60-2 BORDEIANU, C. (autor) , FELEA, D. (autor) , BEȘLIU, C. (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , GROSSU, I. (autor) Chaos analysis of nuclear stability using a classical billard model 287-297
articol de periodic 2009 Romanian Reports in Physics, 61-4 CHETRCIU, M. (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) Nuclear sources emiting alpha structures in nuclear collisions at intermediate energies 656-661
articol de periodic 2010 Romanian Reports in Physics, 62-4 CHERCIU, M. (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) Light cluster competition in self-conjugate 4N-Nuclei interactions at intermediate energy 731-737
articol de periodic 2010 Romanian Reports in Physics, 62-4 MITRICĂ, B. (autor) , MĂRGINEANU, Romul (autor) , BRĂNCUȘ, L. (autor) , LATANU, Ionel (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , SIMA, O. (autor) , DIMA, M. (autor) , TOMA, G. (autor) , SAFTOIU, A. (autor) , APOSTU, A. (autor) , GOMOIU, C. (autor) , PETRE (autor) Studies of the high energy moun flux in unirea salt mine from Slănic Prahova 750-757
articol de periodic 2011 Romanian Reports in Physics, 63 JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , GRIGORIE, Claudian (autor) , BEȘLIU, Că+lin (autor) , VELICA, Ștefania (autor) , CĂLIN, Marius (autor) , EȘANU, Tiberiu (autor) , LAZANU, Ionel (autor) , COVLEA, Vania (autor) , ARGINTARU, Dan (autor) , RISTEA, Oana (autor) , RISTEA, Cătălin (autor) , ILIESCU, Bogdan (autor) , HORBUNNIEV, Amelia (autor) , CIORANU, Silviu (autor) , BĂRZU, Adrian (autor) , PARAGINĂ, florica (autor) , PAR (autor) Transverse momentan-longitudinal momentan correlations, thermalization and hydrodynamic flow in relativistic nuclear collisions 1215-
articol de periodic 2011 Romanian Reports in Physics, 63-1 APOSTU, Ana (autor) , CHIROȘCA, Alexandru (autor) , GOMOIU, Claudia (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , LAZANU, I. (autor) , MĂRGINEANU, Romul (autor) , MITRICĂ, B. (autor) , STANCA, D. (autor) Results of undferground dose rates using TL detectors and preliminary TL characteristics of irradiated salt rock 220-
articol de periodic 2011 Romanian Reports in Physics, 63-4 JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , MITU, Ciprian (autor) , NICULESCU, Mihai (autor) , ZGURA, Sorin (autor) Data analysis and 3D evolution in high energy physics using graphic processor 1018-1025
articol de periodic 2012 Romanian Reports in Physics, 64-3 CHESNEANU, D. (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , LAZANU, Ionel (autor) , MĂRGINEANU, Romul (autor) , MITRICĂ, B. (autor) Preliminary results of neutrino interactions study using genie event generator 695-701
articol de periodic 2012 Romanian Reports in Physics, 64-3 VELICA, Ștefania (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , BEȘLIU, C. (autor) , RISTEA, Oana (autor) , RISTEA, C. (autor) , LAZANU, Ionel (autor) , COVLEA, V. (autor) , SCURTU, A. (autor) , EȘANU, T. (autor) , CPLIN, M. (autor) , STAN, E. (autor) , STAN, I. (autor) On the particle correlations in relativistic nuclear collisions 702-714
articol de periodic 2012 Romanian Reports in Physics, 64-3 RISTEA, C. (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , RISTEA, Oana (autor) , BEȘLIU, C. (autor) , VELICA, Ștefania (autor) Energy dependence of nuclear modification factors in Au-Au collisions at 200 GEV and 62,4 GEV 715-721
articol de periodic 2012 Romanian Reports in Physics, 64-3 RISTEA, Oana (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , RISTEA, C. (autor) , BEȘLIU, C. (autor) , VELICA, Ștefania (autor) Strangenes production in heavy ion collisions at relativistic energies 722-727
articol de periodic 2013 Romanian Reports in Physics, 65-2 RISTEA, Oana (autor) , GIUBEGA, Elena (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , RISTEA, C. (autor) , BEȘLIU, Călin (autor) , BABAN, Valerica (autor) , BARZU, A. (autor) , SCURTU, A. (autor) , ABU-QUOAD, I. (autor) , PARAGINA, S. (autor) , PARAGINA, Florica (autor) Identified particle production in nuclear collisions at relativistic energies 411-419
articol de periodic 2013 Romanian Reports in Physics, 65-4 BABAN, Valerica (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , RISTEA, Cătălin (autor) , RISTEA, Oana (autor) , EȘANU, Tiberiu (autor) , ARGINTARU, Dănuț (autor) Centraly determination in 15 GeV/u Au-Au collisions in CBM experiment 1314-1320
articol de periodic 2013 Romanian Reports in Physics, 65-4 RISTEA, Cătălin (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , LAZANU, Ionel (autor) , RISTEA, Oana (autor) , BEȘLIU, C. (autor) , BABAN, Valerica (autor) , COVLEA, V. (autor) From little bangs to big bang 1321-1327
articol de periodic 2015 Romanian Reports in Physics, 67-3 DANU, A. (autor) , RISTEA, O. (autor) , BEȘLIU, Călin (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , ZHURA, I. (autor) , RISTEA, C. (autor) , SEVCENCO, A. (autor) , MITU, Ciprian (autor) , EȘANU, T. (autor) Comparisons among the hadron production in ultra relativistic heavy ion collisions in different transverse momentum ranges. Preliminary results 831-836
articol de periodic 2016 Romanian Reports in Physics, 68-1 STOICA, Daniela (autor) , MIRON, Cristina (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , POPESCU, M. (autor) The study of some thermal phenomenon by computer-assisted experiments and MBLs 425-439
articol de periodic 2016 Romanian Reports in Physics, 68-2 CHIRIȚOI, G. (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , POPESCU, Emilia (autor) 3D visualization for simulated extensive air showers /EAS) using Corsika and blender 3D 563-570
articol de periodic 2016 Romanian Reports in Physics, 68-4 GOMOIU, Mariana (autor) , MĂRGINEANU, Romul (autor) , STOIAN, Daniel (autor) , ALIONTE, Tănase (autor) , JIPA, Alexandru (autor) Environmental radioactivity in Măneciu Reserboir, Prohova County, Romania 1566-1576