Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic PASCU HUREZAN, George (autor) , SÎRBU, Valeriu (autor) The dacian deposit of iron items from Neudorf-Pîrîul Roșia, Arad County, A new assessement .11-30 engleză
articol de periodic CROITORU, Costin (autor) , DRAGOMIR, Ion (autor) La necropole sarmatique de Largu (Dep. de Buzău) 31-54 franceză
articol de periodic MĂRCULEȚ, Vasile (autor) "The archontate of the paristrion" cities or "of the cities from the Istros" - A Thema with single name in the byzantine literary sources 55-68 franceză
articol de periodic CÎNDEA, Ionel (autor) , CROITORU, Costin (autor) Resultats preliminaires des fouilles archeologiques preventives de Brăila, le lieu-dit "La Ville Ancienne"! Campagne 2010 69-80 franceză
articol de periodic CÎNDEA, Ionel (autor) , CROITORU, Costin (autor) Resultats preliminaires des fouilles archeologiques systematiques de Mîxineni (Dep. De Brăila), le lieu-dit monastere. Campagne 2010 81-92 engleză
articol de periodic APETREI, Cristian (autor) Greek merchants in the romanian principalities in the 16th century: the case of Nikolaos Domesticos Nevridis 95-121 engleză
articol de periodic CHELARU, Rafael-Dorian (autor) , LUCA, Cristian (autor) The levantine merchants Antinio de Via and Bartiolomeo Locadello - Protectors of the catholic missionarism in Wallachia (first half of the 17th centuty) 123-142 engleză
articol de periodic CIURE, Florina (autor) The contribution of the commercial companies in Transylvania to the development of the romanian foreign ztade in the 17th century 145-159 engleză
articol de periodic MARAVELA, Vlad (autor) The geographical and economical aspects of the muntenian nobiliary residences from the second half of the seventeenth century 161-174 engleză
articol de periodic CHELARU, Rafael-Dorin (autor) Merchants and catholic missionaries in the Romania Principalities (17th-18th centuries) 175-191 engleză
articol de periodic RĂDVAN, Laurențiu (autor) On usury and usurers in Moldavia: the Turkish usurers (latter half of the 17th century - latter half of the 18th century) 193-212 engleză
articol de periodic NEDELOIU, Paul (autor) Contributions to the history of the family of Oană Headman of Suceaca (15th-17 centuries) 215-233 engleză
articol de periodic AFTODOR, Ștefan (autor) The land estate of boyar Hrizea from Bălteni 235-257 engleză
articol de periodic IONAȘCU, Anișoara (autor) Greek high officials in senteenty century Moldavia. Their role în Moldavian domestic politics - Strategies of power 259-267 engleză
articol de periodic ZUICĂ, Eugen (autor) The image of the catholic priest in 17th century Moldavia. Preeliminary remarks 269-284 engleză
articol de periodic MALEON, Bogdan-Petru (autor) Preliminary notes on public exposure of convicts' corpses in medieval Moldavia 285-304 engleză
articol de periodic PĂDURARU, Marius (autor) The testament of the housekeeper Marica, the daughter of the swordbearer Diicu Buicescu and the wife of the great cupbearer Staico Bucșanu (Merișanu) 305-314 engleză
articol de periodic FARA, Andrea (autor) Consuetudine orale e traditione scriptta nella Prassi Giurdica delle comunita sassoni di Transylvania (secc. XIII-XVI) 317-368 italiană
articol de periodic SIMON, Alexandru (autor) The western impact of eastern events: the crusader consequences of the fall of caffa in the light of new Italian sources 369-282 engleză
articol de periodic PLOSCARU, Cristian (autor) Political imagery and group loyalties in romanian principates at the beginning of the 19th century 383-396 engleză