carte |
2002 |
Particule elementare. Probleme rezolvate
Număr de volume:1
astrofizică; fizică teoretică; fizica particulelor |
LAZANU, Ionel (autor) |
articol de periodic |
2020 |
Perseus. Revistă de astronomie, IX |
Astronomie; Astroclubul Vega-Huşi; programe educative; activităţi educative; astrofizică; cosmologie; telescop; popularizare; Vicu Merlan |
MERLAN, Vicu (autor)
Pașii care au dus la înființarea Astroclubului Vega-Huși și desfășurarea activității (2019 - 2020) / The activity of the Vega Astroclub in Huși |
16-19 |
română (rezumat în engleză) |
articol de periodic |
2020 |
Perseus. Revistă de astronomie, IX |
DKIST; telescop solar; studii astroficize; astrofizică; instrumente optice; telescop; Astronomie; soare; Coroana solară |
PARASCHIV, Alin (autor)
Noul telescop solar DEIST - o unealtă transformativă / The New Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope - a transformative infrastructure |
24-28 |
română (rezumat în engleză) |
articol de periodic |
2020 |
Perseus. Revistă de astronomie, IX |
telescopul Spitzer; misiune spaţială; NASA; observator spaţial; spectru infraroşu; radiaţii; sistemul TRAPPIST-1; astrofizică |
CIUCHE, Alexandra (autor)
Finalul misiunii Telescopului Spațial Spitzer / Nasa's Spitzer Space Telescope ends mission |
37-41 |
română (rezumat în engleză) |
articol de periodic |
1962 |
Revue de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees, vii-3 |
astrofizică |
FRODA, Alexandru (autor)
The physical principles of astronautics - Berman Arthur |
547-547 |
articol de periodic |
1963 |
Revue de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees, viii-3 |
astrofizică |
CRISTESCU, Cornelia (autor)
Physics of Solar Chromosphere - Thomas Richard, Grant Athay R. |
515-516 |
articol de periodic |
1956 |
Revue de Physique, i |
astrofizică |
IONESCU, Theodor (autor)
Ondes electriques metriques d'origine extra-terrestre |
127-135 |
articol de periodic |
1960 |
Revue de Physique, v-1 |
astrofizică |
BALEA, E. (autor)
ONCESCU, Mircea (autor)
POTOCEANU, C. (autor)
SAHINI, M. (autor)
High energy nuclear interactions of heavy vosmic ray primaries |
91-98 |
articol de periodic |
1960 |
Revue de Physique, v-3-4 |
astrofizică |
ONICESCU, Octav (autor)
Univers antiminkowskiens |
267-276 |
articol de periodic |
1962 |
Revue de Physique, vii-3 |
astrofizică |
ALPER, S. (autor)
A Monte-Carlo study of the two-centre model of cosmic-ray jets |
311-323 |
articol de periodic |
1973 |
Revue Roumaine de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees, xviii-6 |
astrofizică |
HALANAY, Aristide (autor)
Linear and regular Celestial Mechamics - Stiefel E.L., Scheifele G. |
961-962 |
articol de periodic |
1987 |
Revue Roumaine de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees, xxxii-9 |
astrofizică |
PAL, Arpad (autor)
ȚARINĂ, Marian (autor)
Topological considerations on the averaging method with applications in celestial mechanics |
831-844 |
articol de periodic |
1966 |
Revue Roumaine de Physique, 11-1 |
astrofizică |
COHEN, J. (autor)
Transverse momentum distribution of photons from high-energy cosmic ray jets |
99-100 |
articol de periodic |
1969 |
Revue Roumaine de Physique, 14-10 |
astrofizică |
IONESCU-PALLAS, Nicolae (autor)
Red shift and epochs in a generalized Fiedmann & Lermeitre cosmology |
1105-1109 |
articol de periodic |
1972 |
Revue Roumaine de Physique, 17-8 |
astrofizică |
HAFNER, H. (autor)
The cosmological transformation |
933-946 |
articol de periodic |
1973 |
Revue Roumaine de Physique, 18-5 |
astrofizică |
IONESCU-PALLAS, Nicolae (autor)
On the invariant mechanical structure of the expanding universe |
671-676 |
articol de periodic |
1974 |
Revue Roumaine de Physique, 19-1 |
astrofizică |
HAFNER, H. (autor)
IONESCU-PALLAS, Nicolae (autor)
A geometrical interretation of steady-state cosmology |
105-106 |
articol de periodic |
1976 |
Revue Roumaine de Physique, 21-10 |
astrofizică |
CEAPĂ, A. (autor)
On the the efficiency of cosmic gravitational waves detection |
1121-1123 |
articol de periodic |
1979 |
Revue Roumaine de Physique, 24-3-4 |
astrofizică |
TOMA, Eugeniu (autor)
Stellar Atmospheres - Mihalas Dimitru |
432-434 |
articol de periodic |
1979 |
Revue Roumaine de Physique, 24-5 |
astrofizică |
CRISTESCU, Cornelia (autor)
Radio Astronomy and Cosmology - Jauncey D.L., Reidel D. |
517-518 |
articol de periodic |
1979 |
Revue Roumaine de Physique, 24-5 |
astrofizică |
CRISTESCU, Cornelia (autor)
Radiating Cosmic Dust - Andriesse |
519-520 |
articol de periodic |
1979 |
Revue Roumaine de Physique, 24-5 |
astrofizică |
TODORAN, I. (autor)
LUNGU, N. (autor)
Problems of stellar convection - Spiegel E.A., Zahn J.P. |
524-525 |
articol de periodic |
1979 |
Revue Roumaine de Physique, 24-6 |
astrofizică; biologie |
HAȘEGAN, D. (autor)
DUDKIN, V.E. (autor)
MARENNY, A. (autor)
Heavy cosmic ions with charge Z=30-40 and their biological implications |
529-538 |
articol de periodic |
1979 |
Revue Roumaine de Physique, 24-7 |
astrofizică |
ȚIFREA, Emilia (autor)
Radio Galaxies - Pacholczyk A.G. |
707-707 |
articol de periodic |
1980 |
Revue Roumaine de Physique, 25-4 |
astrofizică |
HAIDUC, M. (autor)
HAȘEGAN, D. (autor)
MARIN, Adela (autor)
OTGONSUREN, O. (autor)
PELLAS, P. (autor)
PERELYCHIN, V.P. (autor)
STERSENKO, S.G. (autor)
Abundances od cosmic ray nuclei groups wuth Z>50 by studying the fossil tracks in the meteoritic olivines |
353-365 |
articol de periodic |
1982 |
Revue Roumaine de Physique, 27-3 |
astrofizică |
GUSEV, A.A. (autor)
HAȘEGAN, D. (autor)
MARIN, Adela (autor)
PUGACHOVA, G. (autor)
The primary cosmic electron spectrum and its astrophysical interpretation I. Astrophysical aspect of the study of primary cosmic electron spectrum |
235-242 |
articol de periodic |
1982 |
Revue Roumaine de Physique, 27-3 |
astrofizică |
GUSEV, A.A. (autor)
HAȘEGAN, D. (autor)
MARIN, Adela (autor)
PUGACHOVA, G. (autor)
The primary cosmic electron spectrum and its astrophysical interpretation II. Wxperimental data on primary electron spectrum |
243-247 |
articol de periodic |
1984 |
Revue Roumaine de Physique, 29-7 |
astrofizică |
PERELYGHIN, V.P. (autor)
STETSENKO, S.G. (autor)
OTGONSUREM, O. (autor)
IGNATOVA, R. (autor)
STARODUB (autor)
HAIDUC, M. (autor)
HAȘEGAN, D. (autor)
BYTYCI, M. (autor)
JACUPI, B. (autor)
TODOROVICI, J. (autor)
VATER, P. (autor)
BRANDT, R. (autor)
SCHPOR, R. (autor)
On identification of ultraheavy cosmic nuclei in uxtraterrestrial olivibes |
615-621 |
articol de periodic |
1986 |
Revue Roumaine de Physique, 31-2 |
astrofizică |
IONESCU-PALLAS, Nicolae (autor)
A cosmological model of matter in the framework of special relativity |
101-105 |
articol de periodic |
1986 |
Revue Roumaine de Physique, 31-3 |
astrofizică |
M.C. (autor)
Evolution of matter and energy on a cosmic and planetary scale - Taube M. |
298-299 |
articol de periodic |
1986 |
Revue Roumaine de Physique, 31-6 |
astrofizică |
BÎLDEA, I. (autor)
Description of the overhauser state of the nuclear/neutron star matter |
617-630 |
articol de periodic |
1987 |
Revue Roumaine de Physique, 32-9 |
astrofizică |
AKOPOVA, A.B. (autor)
BANKOVA, G. (autor)
HAIDUC, M. (autor)
HAȘEGAN, D. (autor)
MELKUMJAN, L.V. (autor)
PERELYGIN, V.P. (autor)
STETSENKO, S.G (autor)
The long-time averaged charge and energy spectra of the galactic vosmic eay nuclei with Z>50 |
971-977 |
articol de periodic |
1990 |
Revue Roumaine de Physique, 35-2 |
astrofizică; optică |
DIMA, I. (autor)
Solar Optical Materials |
197-197 |
articol de periodic |
1993 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 38-2 |
astrofizică; fizică atomică |
HAȘEGAN, D. (autor)
The estimation of cosmic ray fluxes in SSNTD experiments |
125-136 |
articol de periodic |
1993 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 38-4-5 |
astrofizică; fizică atomică |
HERM, F. (autor)
KRETSCHMER, M. (autor)
MATHES, R. (autor)
MASUCH, V. (autor)
PETCU, M. (autor)
REBEL, H. (autor)
WENTZ, J. (autor)
UAGROMSKI, S. (autor)
ZIMMER, K. (autor)
Multiwire proportional chambers for mion detection in cosmic ray experiments |
475-482 |
articol de periodic |
1995 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 40-8-9 |
astrofizică; cîmp gravitaţional |
CIUBOTARIU, Corneliu (autor)
RADINSCHI, Irina (autor)
CIOBANU, Brînduța (autor)
NECȘU, Cristina (autor)
Energy of the gravitational field in a rotating universe |
799-806 |
articol de periodic |
1997 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 42-3-4 |
astrofizică; cîmp electromagnetic |
DARIESCU, C. (autor)
DARIESCU, Marina-Aura (autor)
The rotationlly symmetric electromagnetic field in a static S3xR universe |
147-159 |
articol de periodic |
1997 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 42-3-4 |
astrofizică |
DINCULESCU, Antonie (autor)
Cosmological implications of the finite speed of information |
265-272 |
articol de periodic |
1998 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 43-3-4 |
astrofizică |
BECIU, Mircea (autor)
The geometric phase of the universe |
173-178 |
articol de periodic |
1998 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 43-3-4 |
astrofizică |
MIȘICU, Șerban (autor)
Toroidal colletive motions in the atomic nucleus |
193-219 |
articol de periodic |
1999 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 44-3-4 |
astrofizică |
POPA, Lucia (autor)
VAMAN, C. (autor)
The wavelet versus Fourier inversion techniques for reconstruction of the CMB maps |
475-483 |
articol de periodic |
2000 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 45-3-4 |
astrofizică |
GRAMA, Cornelia (autor)
Charged-particle induced thermonuclear reaction rates: a compilation for astrophysics |
245-247 |
articol de periodic |
2000 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 45-3-4 |
astrofizică |
BRÎNCUS, Ileana (autor)
Muons as messengers from the cosmos |
249-253 |
articol de periodic |
2001 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 46-1-2 |
astrofizică |
AVRIGEANU, V. (autor)
GLODARIU, T. (autor)
Nuclear Level Density Description for Astrophysical Applications |
89-94 |
articol de periodic |
2002 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 47-7-8 |
astrofizică |
SZALANSKI, P. (autor)
PĂDUREANU, I. (autor)
STEPINSKI, M. (autor)
GLEDENOV, Y. (autor)
SEDYSHEV, P.V. (autor)
MARGANIEC, J. (autor)
ARANGHEL, D. (autor)
MACHRAFI, R. (autor)
Nucleosynthesis of the elements in Cl-S region, during Helium and Carbon burning in 25 M stars |
809-820 |
articol de periodic |
2005 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 50-3-4 |
astrofizică |
DJORDJEVIC, Goran (autor)
NESIC, Ljubisa (autor)
On some accelerating cosmological Kaluza-Klein models |
289-301 |
articol de periodic |
2005 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 50-9-10 |
astrofizică |
RADINSCHI, Irina (autor)
CIOBANU, Brînduța (autor)
Landau and lifshitz prescription for regular black Hole |
1223- |
articol de periodic |
2006 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 51-3-4 |
astrofizică |
MURDZEK, R. (autor)
A Gutenberg-Richter law-type in galaxy clustering |
495-499 |
articol de periodic |
2006 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 51-5-6 |
astrofizică |
ȘTEFĂNESCU, P. (autor)
VASILE, A. (autor)
The imprints of the reionization history on the CMB power spectra |
675-681 |
articol de periodic |
2006 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 51-9-10 |
astrofizică |
MIHHRA, Rajesh (autor)
MISHRA, Rekha (autor)
Study of cosmic ray anisotropy alongwith interplanetary and solar wind plasma parameters |
981-995 |
articol de periodic |
2006 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 51-9-10 |
astrofizică |
MURDZEK, R. (autor)
Cyclic universes from Torus Geometry |
997-1001 |
articol de periodic |
2007 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 52-3-4 |
astrofizică |
PRADHAN, Anirudh (autor)
SINGH, Ajay (autor)
OTAROD, Saeed (autor)
FRW universe with variable G and A terms |
446-458 |
articol de periodic |
2007 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 52-3-4 |
astrofizică |
CHANDRA, S. (autor)
CHANG, C. (autor)
MUSRIF, P.G. (autor)
PATZER, A.B.C. (autor)
KEGEL, W.H. (autor)
SEDLMAYR (autor)
A suggestion for a search of the cyclic molecule c-C7H2 in cool cosmic objects |
459-466 |
articol de periodic |
2007 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 52-5-7 |
astrofizică |
EL-NABULSI, Ahmad (autor)
Some fractional geometrical aspects of weak field approximation and schwarzschild spacetime |
705-715 |
articol de periodic |
2008 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 53-1-2 |
astrofizică; cîmp magnetic |
VOICULESCU, Mirela (autor)
NYGREN, Tuomo (autor)
Extraterestrial magnetic field effect on the F region trough |
13-21 |
articol de periodic |
2008 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 53-1-2 |
astrofizică |
CIOBANU, Brînduța (autor)
RADINSCHI, Irina (autor)
Modeling the electric and magnetic fields in a rotating universe |
405-415 |
articol de periodic |
2008 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 53-3-4 |
astrofizică |
MURDZEK, R. (autor)
IFTIMIE, O. (autor)
The self-organizing universe |
601-606 |
articol de periodic |
2008 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 53-7-8 |
astrofizică |
SINGH, Pramod (autor)
TRIPATHI, Laxmi (autor)
SINGH, Ambika (autor)
TTWARI, Jaya (autor)
TTWARI, Anil (autor)
Solar eind streams and their impact on cosmic ray intensity decreases in year 2003 |
917-925 |
articol de periodic |
2009 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 54-1-2 |
astrofizică; cîmp magnetic |
PRADHAN, Anirudh (autor)
AGARWAL, Shipi (autor)
YARD, A.K. (autor)
String cosmology with magnetic field in cylindrically symmetric space-time-revisited |
15-28 |
articol de periodic |
2009 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 54-1-2 |
astrofizică; Fe |
LING-JING, Liu (autor)
ZHI-QUAN, Luo (autor)
The pair neutrino energy loss for nuclei 56Fe at the late stages of stellar evolution |
157-164 |
articol de periodic |
2009 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 54-1-2 |
astrofizică |
MISHRA, Rajesh (autor)
MISHRA, Rekha (autor)
Cosmic ray anisotripy and interplanetary transients during high amplitude days |
165-185 |
articol de periodic |
2009 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 54-1-2 |
astrofizică |
KANDALKAR, S.P. (autor)
KHADE, P.P. (autor)
GAWANDE, S.P. (autor)
Homogenous Bianchi ty I. cosmological model dilled with viscous fluid with a varying A. |
195-205 |
articol de periodic |
2009 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 54-3-4 |
astrofizică |
SADYKOV, Robert (autor)
The gravitational red shift |
407-422 |
articol de periodic |
2009 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 54-5-6 |
astrofizică; meteorit |
VASILESCU, A. (autor)
BUGOI, R. (autor)
CECCATO, D. (autor)
Elemental mapping of moon soil and meteorite fragments |
491-499 |
articol de periodic |
2009 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 54-7-8 |
astrofizică |
HUȘTI, L. (autor)
GALLINO, R. (autor)
BISTERZO, S. (autor)
S-process in intrinsic and extrinsic AGB stars: Theory versus observations |
733-740 |
articol de periodic |
2009 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 54-7-8 |
astrofizică |
BAYASKAR, S.N. (autor)
PAWAR, D. (autor)
DESHMUKH, A. (autor)
Plane symmetric cosmological model of interacting fields in general relativity |
763-770 |
articol de periodic |
2009 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 54-7-8 |
astrofizică |
TEȘILEANU, O. (autor)
MIGNONE, A. (autor)
MASSAGLIA, S. (autor)
Jets from young stars: radiative MHD simulations |
771-775 |
articol de periodic |
2009 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 54-7-8 |
astrofizică; cîmp magnetic |
BAGORA, Anita (autor)
RATHORE, Ghanshyam (autor)
GANDHI, Sushil (autor)
A tilted homogenous cosmological model with disordered radiations in the presence of magnetic field |
777-786 |
articol de periodic |
2010 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 55-1-2 |
astrofizică |
PERTENIE, Doina (autor)
POPA, Camelia (autor)
Self-dual Gauge theory with cosmological constant |
.3-12 |
articol de periodic |
2010 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 55-5-6 |
astrofizică |
VIȘINESCU, Mihai. (autor)
SAHA, B. (autor)
Cosmological streing model in thev presence of a magnetic field: spinor approach and quantum Loop effects |
645-655 |
articol de periodic |
2010 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 55-7-8 |
astrofizică |
YADAV, Vineet (autor)
YADAV, Lillan (autor)
YADAV, Anil (autor)
New extract solution of Bianchi type V cosmological stiff fluid model in lyra's geometry |
862-870 |
articol de periodic |
2010 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 55-7-8 |
astrofizică |
KHADEKAR, G.S. (autor)
KAMDI, Vaishali (autor)
Higher dimensional cosmological model of the universe with variable equation of state parameter in the presence of G and A |
871-880 |
articol de periodic |
2010 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 55-9-10 |
astrofizică; Sm |
IVAȘCU, Marin (autor)
CÎTA-DANIL, I. (autor)
FILIPESCU, D. (autor)
STROE, L. (autor)
GLODARIU, T. (autor)
BUCURESCU, D. (autor)
CÎTA-DANIL, G. (autor)
DELEANU, D. (autor)
GHIȚĂ, D. (autor)
MĂRGINEAN, N. (autor)
MĂRGINEAN, R. (autor)
MIHAI, C. (autor)
PASCU, S. (autor)
SAVA, T. (autor)
SULIMAN, G. (autor)
ZAMFIR, Nicolae (autor)
Astrophysical S factor for proton capture on 147Sm and 149Sm |
1006-1012 |
articol de periodic |
2011 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 56-3-4 |
astrofizică |
YADAV, Anil (autor)
Bianchi type I anisotropic universe withoout big smash driven by law of variation of Hubbele+s parameter |
609-615 |
articol de periodic |
2011 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 56-3-4 |
astrofizică |
VERMA, M.K. (autor)
ZEYAUDDIN, M. (autor)
RAM, Shri (autor)
Anisotropic cosmological model with negative constant deceleration parameter and time decaying a term |
616-626 |
articol de periodic |
2011 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 56-5-6 |
astrofizică |
SAFTOIU, A. (autor)
BERCUCI, A. (autor)
BRÎNCUȘ, I. (autor)
DUMA, M. (autor)
HAUNGS, A. (autor)
MITRICĂ, B. (autor)
PETCU, M. (autor)
REBEL, H. (autor)
SIMA, O. (autor)
TOMA, G. (autor)
Measurement of the cosmic moun flux with the Willi detector as a souce of information about solar events |
664-672 |
articol de periodic |
2011 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 56-5-6 |
astrofizică; magnetometrie |
TIWARI, Jaya (autor)
TIWARI, Anil (autor)
SHRIVASTAVA, Avnish (autor)
Study of interplanetary parameters effect on geomagnetic field |
801-812 |
articol de periodic |
2011 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 56-5-6 |
astrofizică |
PAWAR, D.D. (autor)
String cosmological model in presence of massiless scalar field in modified theory of general relativity |
842-848 |
articol de periodic |
2011 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 56-7-8 |
astrofizică |
YADAV, Anil (autor)
PRADHAN, Anrudh (autor)
SING, Archana (autor)
LRS Biabchi-Ii massive string cosmological models in general relativity |
1019-1934 |
articol de periodic |
2011 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 56-7-8 |
astrofizică |
SHARIF, M. (autor)
The pseudo-newtonian force and potential of the stringy black holes |
1035-1040 |
articol de periodic |
2012 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 57-3-4 |
astrofizică |
TEJEIRO, Juan (autor)
LARRANGA, Alexis (autor)
Gravitational lensing by wormholes |
736-747 |
articol de periodic |
2012 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 57-3-4 |
astrofizică |
AMIRHASHCHI, Hassan (autor)
ZAINUDDIN, H. (autor)
PRADHAN, Anirudh (autor)
Bianchi type - III cosmological model with variable G and A-term in general relativity |
748-760 |
articol de periodic |
2012 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 57-3-4 |
astrofizică |
ZIA, Rashid (autor)
SINGH, R.P. (autor)
Bulk viscous inhomogenerous cosmological models with electromagnetic field in Lyra Geometry |
761-778 |
articol de periodic |
2012 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 57-5-6 |
astrofizică |
JIMERNEZ, Raul (autor)
A precise determination of the expansion history of the universe up to z - 2 |
863-872 |
articol de periodic |
2012 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 57-5-6 |
astrofizică |
JOVANOVIC, P. (autor)
Recent observational challenges to dark matter paradigm |
873-878 |
articol de periodic |
2012 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 57-5-6 |
astrofizică |
KANTI, Panagiota (autor)
Footprints of higher-dimensional decaying black holes |
879-893 |
articol de periodic |
2012 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 57-5-6 |
astrofizică |
PARTOUCHE, Herve (autor)
Thermal duality and non-singular superstring cosmology |
938-949 |
articol de periodic |
2012 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 57-7-8 |
astrofizică; Fe |
UN, NABI (autor)
Neutrino and anti-neutrino energy loss rates due to iron isotopes suitable for core-collapse simulations |
1211-1221 |
articol de periodic |
2012 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 57-7-8 |
astrofizică |
PRADHAN, Anirudh (autor)
SHANKAR, Dubey (autor)
KHARE, Rajeev (autor)
Some exact Bianchi type-I cosmological models in scalar-tensor theory of gravitation with time dependent deceleration parameter |
1222-1235 |
articol de periodic |
2012 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 57-7-8 |
astrofizică |
BHOYAR, S.R. (autor)
RANE, R.S. (autor)
KATORE, S.D. (autor)
DESHMUKH, A.G. (autor)
The Z=(t/z)-type plane gravitzational waves of gauge invariant generalized dield equations with asymmetric fundamental tensor in plane symmetry |
1236-1251 |
articol de periodic |
2013 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 58-1-2 |
astrofizică |
SINGH, G.P. (autor)
KALE, A.Y. (autor)
TRIPATHI, J. (autor)
Dynamic cosmological "constant" in brans dicke theory |
23-35 |
articol de periodic |
2013 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 58-1-2 |
astrofizică |
YADAV, Vineet (autor)
YADAV, Lallan (autor)
Some bulk viscous magnetized LRS Bianghi Type-I string cosmological models in Lyra's geometry |
64-74 |
articol de periodic |
2013 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 58-5-6 |
astrofizică |
DJORDJEVIC, G.S. (autor)
NESIC, L.J. (autor)
A new look at the milne universe and its ground state wave functions |
560-572 |
articol de periodic |
2013 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 58-5-6 |
astrofizică |
NICOLAIDIS, A. (autor)
The quantium universe |
630-640 |
articol de periodic |
2014 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 59-1-2 |
astrofizică |
CHAWLA, Chanchal (autor)
MISHRA, R.K. (autor)
PRADHAN, Anirudh (autor)
A new class of accelerating cosmological models with variable G & A in Saez and Ballester theory of gravitation |
.12-25 |
articol de periodic |
2014 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 59-3-4 |
astrofizică |
DARIESCU, Marina (autor)
MIHU, Denisa-Andreea (autor)
DARIESCU, Ciprian (autor)
Stationary solutions to kompaneets equations for relativistic processes in astrophysical objects |
224-232 |
articol de periodic |
2014 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 59-7-8 |
astrofizică |
KATORE, S.D. (autor)
SHAIKH, A.Y. (autor)
Plane symmetric universe with cosmic string and bulk viscosity in scalar tensor theory of graviration |
715-723 |
articol de periodic |
2015 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 60-1-2 |
astrofizică |
SINGH, G. (autor)
BISHI, Ninaya (autor)
FRW universe with variable G and term in f(R,T) gravity |
32-43 |
articol de periodic |
2015 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 60-1-2 |
astrofizică |
ASKIN, Muzaffer (autor)
ABEDI, Habib (autor)
SALTI, Mustafa (autor)
Thermodynamics inf(T,O) gravity |
44-55 |
articol de periodic |
2015 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 60-7-8 |
astrofizică |
MAHANTA, K. (autor)
TRIPATHY, S.K. (autor)
Cosmic strings and anisotropic universe |
980-992 |
articol de periodic |
2016 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 61-3-4 |
astrofizică |
BODNĂRESCU, Adrian (autor)
DARIESCU, Marina-Aura (autor)
Spatially hyperbolic universes with fundamental matter sources |
333-349 |
articol de periodic |
2016 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 61-5-6 |
astrofizică; cîmp electric |
ZAIM, Slimane (autor)
Ansotropic universe space-time non-commutativity and scalar particle creation in the presence of a constant electric field |
743-754 |
articol de periodic |
2017 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 62-7-8 |
astrofizică |
PREDATU, M. (autor)
VĂDUVESCU, O. (autor)
OEY, J. (autor)
First light curves and physical properties of near Earth Asteroids |
904 |
articol de periodic |
2017 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 62-9-10 |
astrofizică |
CHILOM, Alin (autor)
Scalar pair production in an external electric dipole field on de Sitter Universe |
120 |
articol de periodic |
1996 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 48-3-4 |
astrofizică |
BRÎNCUȘ, Ioan (autor)
REBEL, H. (autor)
Renaissance of interest in cosmic rays |
287-297 |
articol de periodic |
2003 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 55-2 |
astrofizică |
TUDOSE, V. (autor)
TASCĂU, O. (autor)
The cosmic microwave baclground data and their implications for cosmology |
313-333 |
articol de periodic |
2003 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 55-3 |
astrofizică |
MARIȘ, O. (autor)
MARIȘ, G. (autor)
High-spedd plasma streems in solar wind |
435-444 |
articol de periodic |
2006 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 58-4 |
astrofizică |
APOSTOL, M. (autor)
Moon's Problem |
381-396 |
articol de periodic |
2007 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 59-2 |
astrofizică |
BRÎNCUȘ, I. (autor)
Lateral charged particle distribution of extensive air shower - source of information about energy and nature of the primary cosmic particles |
311- |
articol de periodic |
2007 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 59-2 |
astrofizică |
REBEL, Heinigerd (autor)
SIMA, Octavian (autor)
What could we learn from observations of the muon charge ratio in cosmic eay air showers? |
609- |
articol de periodic |
2007 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 59-2 |
astrofizică |
WIBIG, T. (autor)
WOLFENDALE, A.W. (autor)
Cosmic rasy of the highest energies |
707- |
articol de periodic |
2007 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 59-3 |
astrofizică |
EL-NABULSI, Ahmad (autor)
Cosmology with a fractional action principle |
763-771 |
articol de periodic |
2008 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 60-1 |
astrofizică |
PRADHAN, Anirudh (autor)
Can Bianchi type-II cosmological models with a decay law for a term be compatible with recent observations? |
.3-12 |
articol de periodic |
2008 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 60-2 |
astrofizică |
VĂCARU, Sergiu (autor)
VIȘINESCU, Mihai (autor)
Nonholonomic Ricci flows and running cosmological constant: 3D Taub-Nut metrics |
251-270 |
articol de periodic |
2008 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 60-3 |
astrofizică; infraroşu |
POPESCU, Cristina (autor)
TUFFS, Richard (autor)
The intrared view of the universe |
571-580 |
articol de periodic |
2008 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 60-4 |
astrofizică |
PRADHAN, Anirudh (autor)
DINGH, Sunil (autor)
SINGH, Yadav (autor)
String cosmological model in cylindrically symmetric inhomogeneous universe with electromagnetic field |
1013-1024 |
articol de periodic |
2009 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 61-1 |
astrofizică |
PRADHAN, Anirudh (autor)
RAI, Vandana (autor)
SINGH, R.S. (autor)
Bianchi type V universes with bilk viscosity in general relativity |
27-42 |
articol de periodic |
2009 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 61-1 |
astrofizică |
SINGH, J.P. (autor)
TIWARI, R.K. (autor)
Perfect fluid Vianchi type I cosmological models with the varying G and A |
43-52 |
articol de periodic |
2009 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 61-3 |
astrofizică |
DARIESCU, M. (autor)
DARIESCU, C. (autor)
PIRGHIE, A. (autor)
Thermodynamics of bosons in an universe with global pathology |
417-426 |
articol de periodic |
2009 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 61-3 |
astrofizică |
VIȘINESCU, Mihai (autor)
Bianchi type - I string cosmological model in the presence of a magnetic field: classical and quantum loop approach |
427-435 |
articol de periodic |
2010 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 62-1 |
astrofizică |
TEȘILEANU, O. (autor)
X-shaped radio sources - advances in interpretation |
202-208 |
articol de periodic |
2010 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 62-4 |
astrofizică |
SIMA, O. (autor)
Simulation of space radiation doses on nano-satellites in earth orbits |
738-743 |
articol de periodic |
2010 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 62-4 |
astrofizică |
ȘTEFĂNESCU, P. (autor)
POPA, A. (autor)
The integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect in vross-correlation with galaxy samples - a reliable independent probe for constraining cosmology |
887-896 |
articol de periodic |
2010 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 62-4 |
astrofizică |
MOCANU, G. (autor)
MARCU, Alexandru (autor)
New approach on the exitation and damping of transfersal coronal loop oscilations |
897-905 |
articol de periodic |
2011 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 63-1 |
astrofizică |
BĂCIOIU, I. (autor)
The theoretical interpretation of some cosmic rays reaching the sea-level and the meson theory |
161- |
articol de periodic |
2011 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 63-2 |
astrofizică |
SINGH, Ravi (autor)
YADAV, Lallan (autor)
Bianchi type-v cosmological models of the Universe for bulk viscous fluid distribution in general relativity: expressions for some observable quantities |
587- |
articol de periodic |
2011 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 63-3 |
astrofizică; fizică atomică |
RĂDULESCU, L. (autor)
BERCEA, S. (autor)
SCARLAT, F. (autor)
PAVELESCU, M. (autor)
Technology transfer mechanism in nuclear physics, applied to achieve an experiment to study cosmic rays |
717-722 |
articol de periodic |
2011 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 63-3 |
astrofizică |
BĂDESCU, Alina-Mihaela (autor)
BORELLOU, Cathy (autor)
Constrains on the quitessence from observational data |
852-861 |
articol de periodic |
2011 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 63-3 |
astrofizică |
YADAV, Anil (autor)
Generation of Bianchi type V string cosmological models with bulk viscosity |
862-878 |
articol de periodic |
2011 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 63-3 |
astrofizică |
TONOIU, D. (autor)
CARAMETE, A. (autor)
POPA, L. (autor)
Lookback time and chandra constrains on cosmological parameters |
879-889 |
articol de periodic |
2012 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 64-1 |
astrofizică |
BĂDESCU, A. (autor)
SĂFTOIU, A. (autor)
FRATU, O. (autor)
BRÎNCUȘ, Ioan (autor)
MITRICĂ, B. (autor)
SIMA, O. (autor)
HALUNGA, S. (autor)
TOMA, G. (autor)
LAZANU, I. (autor)
Radio technique for investigating high energy cosmic neutrinos |
281-293 |
articol de periodic |
2012 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 64-1 |
astrofizică |
BOGÎLDEA, Simion (autor)
On the problem of the two-bodies of variable mass |
294-301 |
articol de periodic |
2012 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 64-1 |
astrofizică |
SIMA, Octavian (autor)
Simulation of space radiation for nanosatellites in earth orbit |
302-307 |
articol de periodic |
2012 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 64-1 |
astrofizică |
ISAR, P.G. (autor)
APEL, W. (autor)
ARTEAGA, J. (autor)
ASCH, T. (autor)
BAEHREN, L. (autor)
BEKK, K. (autor)
BERTAINA, M. (autor)
BIERMANN, P. (autor)
BLUEMER, J. (autor)
BOZDOG, H. (autor)
BRÎNCUȘ, I. (autor)
BUCHHOLZ, P. (autor)
BUITINK, S. (autor)
CANTONI, E. (autor)
CHIAVASSA, A. (autor)
DAUMILLER, K. (autor)
DE, Souza (autor)
DOLL, P. (autor)
ENGEL, R. (autor)
FALCKE, H. (autor)
FINGER, M. (autor)
FUHRMANN, D. (autor)
Radio detections of cosmic ray air showers with lopes |
308-313 |
articol de periodic |
2012 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 64-1 |
astrofizică |
SĂFTOIU, A. (autor)
SIMA, Octavian (autor)
LAZANU, I. (autor)
BĂDESCU, A. (autor)
BRÎNCUȘ, Ioan (autor)
FRATU, O. (autor)
HALUNGA, S. (autor)
TOMA, G. (autor)
MITRICĂ, B. (autor)
Simulation of electromagnetic showers in salt performed with Geant4 |
314-324 |
articol de periodic |
2012 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 64-2 |
astrofizică |
PREDA, T. (autor)
ZGURA, I. (autor)
STAN, I. (autor)
SEVCENCO, A. (autor)
Alice grid accounting in institute for space sciences |
652-660 |
articol de periodic |
2012 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 64-3 |
astrofizică |
STANCA, D. (autor)
Preliminary results plastic scintillators detector readout with silicon photomultipliers for cosmic rays studies |
831-840 |
articol de periodic |
2013 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 65-1 |
astrofizică |
ȘTEFĂNESCU, Petruța (autor)
ȚINȚĂREANU, Ovidiu (autor)
BĂLEANU, Dumitru (autor)
Fractional calculus analysis of the cosmic microwawe background |
316-323 |
articol de periodic |
2013 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 65-4 |
astrofizică |
MOTEVALLI, S.M. (autor)
SADEGHI, J. (autor)
NOUROUZI, A. (autor)
The QCD universe with viscous and particle creation |
1214-1221 |
articol de periodic |
2014 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 66-4 |
astrofizică |
BĂCIOIU, I. (autor)
Study of the extensive aur shower size and the energy spectra of cosmic eaymuons at sea level |
973-982 |
articol de periodic |
2014 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 66-4 |
astrofizică; radiometrie; sare |
CHILUG, A. (autor)
Estimation of the radioactivity induced by cosmic eays in the rock salts cavern of an underground laboratory |
1200-1206 |
articol de periodic |
2016 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 68-1 |
astrofizică |
SPOREA, Ciprian (autor)
VULCANOV, Dumitru (autor)
Using maple + grtensorii in teaching basics of general relativity and cosmology |
29-40 |
articol de periodic |
2016 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 68-2 |
astrofizică |
BĂCIOIU, I. (autor)
Search for specific signatures of the cosmic ray physics at the highest energies |
543-553 |
articol de periodic |
2016 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 68-2 |
astrofizică |
BĂDESCU, A. (autor)
SIMION, A. (autor)
Array of antennas for cosmic radio observations |
554-362 |
articol de periodic |
2016 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 68-3 |
astrofizică |
CASADO, Roberto (autor)
MICU, Octavian (autor)
SCARDIGLI, Fabio (autor)
Horizon wave-function: from particles to black holes |
923-934 |
articol de periodic |
2017 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 69-2 |
astrofizică |
ARSENE, N. (autor)
CARAMETE, L. (autor)
DENTON, P. (autor)
MICU, Octavian (autor)
Quantum black holes effects on the shape of extensive air showers |
105 |
articol de periodic |
1955 |
Studii și Cercetări de Fizică, vi-2 |
astrofizică |
IUSSIM, C. (autor)
MAYER, Meinhard (autor)
Studiul experimental al compoziției nuclear active a radiației cosmice la energii de 35 GeV |
229-236 |
articol de periodic |
1955 |
Studii și Cercetări de Fizică, vi-2 |
astrofizică |
Studiul experimental al compoziției nuclear active a radiației cosmice la energii de 25 GeV. Nota II |
237-243 |
articol de periodic |
1960 |
Studii și Cercetări de Fizică, xi-3 |
astrofizică; Pb |
BALEA, O. (autor)
Despre comportarea componentei moi a radiației cosmice sub straturi groase de plumb |
515-519 |
articol de periodic |
1960 |
Studii și Cercetări de Fizică, xi-3 |
astrofizică |
Efecte de tranziție a radiației cosmice în absorbanți combinați |
615-626 |
articol de periodic |
1966 |
Studii și Cercetări de Fizică, 18-8 |
astrofizică |
Laboratorul de raze cosmice de la I.F.A. |
903-905 |
articol de periodic |
1974 |
Studii și Cercetări de Fizică, 26-10 |
astrofizică |
TOMA, Eugeniu (autor)
Astrophysical Conceps - Harwit Martin |
1093-1094 |
articol de periodic |
1974 |
Studii și Cercetări de Fizică, 26-2 |
astrofizică |
HAPNER, H. (autor)
Contribuții la teoria universului în expansiune |
175-211 |
articol de periodic |
1974 |
Studii și Cercetări de Fizică, 26-8 |
astrofizică |
TOMA, Eugeniu (autor)
Modele de interior stelar cu considerarea aspectelor evolutive. Evoluția stelară anterioară secvenței principale și faza de ardere a deuteriului |
839-868 |
articol de periodic |
1975 |
Studii și Cercetări de Fizică, 27-10 |
astrofizică |
Mecanica invariantivă și cosmogonia - Onicescu Octav |
1971-1976 |
articol de periodic |
1975 |
Studii și Cercetări de Fizică, 27-2 |
astrofizică |
VOGEL, Amelita (autor)
Transferul mediu de energie pe urmele negre și gri din stele, produse de protoni de 10GeV |
207-211 |
articol de periodic |
1977 |
Studii și Cercetări de Fizică, 29-8 |
astrofizică |
CIUBOTARIU, C. (autor)
Betatronul cosmic |
803-809 |
articol de periodic |
1981 |
Studii și Cercetări de Fizică, 33-6 |
astrofizică |
BAICAN, R. (autor)
BAICAN, Branda (autor)
Studiul problelor de sol lunar pein RES și microunde |
613-626 |
articol de periodic |
1984 |
Studii și Cercetări de Fizică, 36-3 |
astrofizică |
FLORESCU, Mihail (autor)
Teoria evoluției cosmice |
281-295 |
articol de periodic |
1984 |
Studii și Cercetări de Fizică, 36-5 |
Astronomie; astrofizică |
HAIDUC, Maria (autor)
Direcții moderne în astronomie și astrofizică |
437-437 |
articol de periodic |
1985 |
Studii și Cercetări de Fizică, 37-6-8 |
astrofizică |
HAȘEGAN, D. (autor)
Studiul nucleelor cosmice foarte grele și cputarea elementelor supragrele în cristale din meteoriți |
612-630 |
articol de periodic |
1987 |
Studii și Cercetări de Fizică, 39-9 |
astrofizică |
IONESCU-PALLAS, Nicolae (autor)
GOTTLIEB, I. (autor)
Cosmologia observatorului |
800-809 |
articol de periodic |
1990 |
Studii și Cercetări de Fizică, 42-4 |
astrofizică |
DARIERESCU, C. (autor)
DARIERESCU, Aura (autor)
AGOP, M. (autor)
The cosmological solution of a homogeneous, isotripic, ideal fluid at local rest |
323-327 |
articol de periodic |
1992 |
Studii și Cercetări de Fizică, 44-5 |
astrofizică |
RADU, Eugenia (autor)
BLAGA, Cristina (autor)
MIOC, Vasile (autor)
Motion of an orbiter in the sperically symmetrical atmiosphere of mars |
369-375 |
articol de periodic |
1967 |
Studii și Cercetări Matematice, 19-8 |
astrofizică |
POP, I. (autor)
OPROIU, T. (autor)
Asupra mișcării sateliților artificiali ai pămîntului într-un mediu rezistent |
1181-1186 |